Sohail identified a pattern of people pleasing, wherein he would go out of the way to make others happy since childhood. He believed in being passive in relationships as he was a conflict-avoider. In therapy sessions, he often stated that his desires and needs were not met in his romantic relationships. He also acknowledged that he barely expressed his needs as he felt that they would not be catered for. In the psychological intake history form, Sohail revealed a history of emotional neglect. He stated that his dad was travelling for work and his mom was a doctor who also worked long hours. He was cared for by the nanny and felt disconnected from his parents while growing up. For him, relationships were about spending time socializing with the family and catering to their needs as this is what he observed his parents doing. In therapy, Sohail voiced his emotional needs for belongingness and nurturance. Sohail had to get out of an unhealthy pattern of feeling guilty when he expressed his feelings. When he dated girls, he had to consciously instruct himself to express his needs in the relationship. Sohail’s reflections in therapy helped him to be a wholesome person. He had pent-up feelings of guilt, anxiety, and shame. He was looped in a negative pattern of being the caretaker in all his relationships. As he progressed in meeting new people Sohail, became clearer about what he desired from relationships and a partner. He looked out for common values, lifestyle preferences, and someone who valued emotional connect. He felt this was the right way to address his void and need for belongingness. He learned to handle conflicts and arguments in relationships rather than bottling up his feelings. He accepted the norm that occasional arguments and disagreements were healthy in companionship. Sohail learned the strategy of agreeing to disagree and handled his romantic relationships without operating out of fear.