Online/Virtual sessions are conducted.


Individual Counselling

Therapy sessions help clients deal with issues related to anxiety, anger, depression, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, stress and addiction issues. Work-related issues such as burn-out, insomnia, lack of confidence and feeling of not performing with utmost capacity are dealt in individual sessions. Clients who have perfectionist attitude and goals or may have difficulty delegating work or working in teams can seek guidance for the same.

Pre-Marital / Couple Counselling

Marriage counselling helps clients address issues in their relationships such as lack of communication, lack of sex and dealing with matters related to infidelity. Couples who need guidance for pre-marital issues such as handling the changes in lifestyle, maintain a work-life balance are encouraged for pre-marital counselling. Couples do not necessarily come with their partners. An individual session can be scheduled to handle issues of the marriage.

Teenage / Youth Counseling

With the ongoing changes in society and changes in the bio-physiology of the human body teenagers are encouraged to deal with peer related problems. Issues related to anorexia and other eating disorders along with anxiety may be prevalent and are addressed. Feeling low, losing appetite and having extreme negative thoughts along with self-harming behaviour is addressed with CBT techniques. Academic related difficulties of study pressure and applying to universities and coping with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Dyslexia are dealt with from a young age. Sexual -orientation and gender identity disorders are some of the most difficult issues at this age which are handled in therapy with a non-judgmental attitude. Addiction to gaming, mobile, internet apps and substances such as nicotine are also part of youth counselling.

Parental Counselling

For new-parents and the experienced ones parenting can become an overwhelming process. Toddler tantrums to pre-teens and teenage related anger. Too much or too little attention is mostly a question? Anger, hurt and guilt are key emotions in handling children with at different developmental stages. Behavioural therapy techniques are most helpful with children along with compassion and love.

Group Counselling

Group counselling helps clients deal in emotional issues in group sessions (once a week) for anger management, peer counselling, depression and anxiety (OCD). Group sessions give a platform for not only venting out issues but also helps in reflecting and understanding that the individual is not alone in these difficult situations. The group goals encourage group members each to be creative and help empower others in the presence of the psychologist as the moderator.

Supervision for REBT Therapist

Enabling therapist in their journey of learning and improving their therapeutic skills in dealing with patients. Therapy tapes are supervised on an individual basis and feedback regarding each tape is provided.

Play Therapy for Young Children

Young minds find it difficult to express emotions through verbal language. Most often one sees that children either shut-down or get aggressive and show behavioural issues even to the extent of bed-wetting. It has been researched that play is the best mode of understanding and helping children deal with negative extreme emotions. Through play therapy children learn assertive modes of communication and expression.

Customized Workshops

We customize workshops for Clients and organizations such as schools and corporate companies. The underlying theme of the programs is Emotional Empowerment of participants. Most popular workshops are:

Corporate Programs: Anger Management, Maintaining a Work-Life Balance, D-stress and increasing Frustration Tolerance, Relationship Management and Team Building skills for employees.

Educational Institutional Programs: Emotional Intelligence for Children starting from Grade 1-12, Anger Management and Assertiveness Training for Students, Handling Burn-out issues for Teachers, Relationships and Skill building for Teachers, Handling Classroom difficulties and differently abled children.

BrainTap® : Your Brain At Its Best

The BrainTap® system uses your mobile device, paired with the BrainTap Headset or headphones of your choice, to deliver a full suite of sessions that range across desired life outcomes and tap into different neural pathways in your brain. With over 1,800 unique sessions, you can focus on what’s important to you.

Find out more here.

Courageously Connect.

Allow me to nurture, while you walk the path.